This morning I wore a short sleeve short to work, as they keep the heat cranked up and it's getting nicer out. The office people found this funny. "Aren't you cold?" "Oh, because it's spring!" "Oh, because you don't have a cold!" (a few people are sick) and "Wonderful!".
Yesterday I was dreaming I was running away from a tornado then WHAM! I woke up to an earthquake (news) that lasted probably 20-25 seconds. Despite the statistics in the article, Japan knows it is an earthquake country, and all new buildings are built with this in mind. The bottom of our town hall as many different types and shapes of pipes going through the building to keep it safe.
I forewent a weekend in Osaka to stay home and relax. Next weekend will be mostly relaxing, but I needed it NOW. Spring is here, the weather is becoming reasonable, and I am feeling super peppy. I bought a grill for my balcony, and I can't wait to use it. I also bought a glue gun, clay, DIY Shrinky Dinks, pieces of wood, wire, twine, ceramics, laquer, etc. I started painting. I attempted to make a coaster (I apparently bought the wrong sealant spray). I cleaned, tidied, and organzied my entire apartment. I also made a bank. I made pasta, spring rolls, and whipped cream for some strawberry shortcake.
Sunshine brings these things out in me ^_^
I guess I didn't upload my clean living room photo (you could even see the new fabric I bought at the Temple Fair on the couch!) but here is a picture of the kitty bank I made with the wire I bought. It even has a little green bell collar! and 2 yen in its tummy.
Its butt unhinges to get your cash!
If it's not the Health Minister calling women "Baby-making machines" or the Foreign Minister saying the US cannot solve problems because they have Blue eyes and blond hair and not "yellow faces" or even the massive bullying problems (that people think if you are being bullied, you deserve it!), then it's not a typical day in Japan!
That's a nice cat. I especially love the Daruma-print cloth that it's standing on! that a "Black Meow Cat"? I've been known to pull money out my arse during extreme times.
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